"There is another world, but it is in this one." -Paul Eluard



WOW! Three posts in one day! No puede ser [it can't be]! Click on the pictures to make them bigger if you want... same with any other picture posted in the blog;)

Juan, Gabi, Antonela, and me. Living room of the hostel during Anto's visit last weekend!

Me and the Gabster... and the famous mate...

A night on the town starts at the front door

Photo shoot! Killing time as the girls wait for their ferry to leave back to Buenos Aires.


  1. Hola Cate! Qué bonita está tu vida! Me parece que estás muy cómoda allí en tu casa afuera de tu casa jiji. Qué lo pases bomba ahí en Uruguay! Besos!

    PD Te he mencionado que ahora tengo un amigo uruguayo? Pues es el amigo de mi compi de piso, Joan, pero ahora todos somos amigos!! Saludos

  2. Heyyy.... I know you guys (you, and previous commenter- HI!)

    I dont know how I made my way here but I did. You passed right through Valpo and we didn't meet up or bump into each other! By now I feel like its few and far between that I get to see people I first came to Chile with haha (I live here now )
    Though I still run into Glen on a weekly basis!

    Anyway I kinda skipped back through some posts and I'm a little jealous as I loved what very little I saw of Uruguay. Hope all is well

  3. LYDIA! my goodness it has been forever! I didn't realized you were still living in Valpo or I would have contacted you when I was there! What are you up to these days? Hope all is well in beautiful Valpo. Perhaps I'll see you there next time I roll through... or you are always welcome to come visit me here in Uruguay... be here til the 6 de enero;)

    que estes super bien!
